Sunday, August 28, 2005

Danny Carlton is human (for now)

My friend Danny Carlton has just become a Mortal Human in the TTLB Ecosystem at the same time that I fell from being a Large Mammal to just a Marauding Marsupial.

If you are a fellow blogger, and like what I said in one of my posts, I wish you would blog roll me (if you want to exchange blogroll entries email me), and post a blog entry about what I said, linking to my post, and trackback to me, so that hopefully I can at least make it back up to Large Mammal

FYI, the different levels are Higher Beings (1-10), Mortal Humans (11-30). Playful Primates (31-100), Large Mammals (101-1825) I was 565 (on 8/15/2005) witth inbound unique 336 average daily visits 68, but now I have fallen to #2237 which makes me a Marauding Marsupial (1866-3630). At least I am not an Adorable Rodent, Flappy Bird, Slithering Reptile, Crawly Amphibian, Flippery Fish, Slimy Mollusc, Lowly Insect, Crunchy Crustacean, Wiggly Worm, Multicellular Microorganism, or Insignificant Microbe.


Anonymous said...

I'm back to being a primate and your back to being a mammal. I also note that you're in the Media Bloggers Association, while I'm not, so you're still one up on me there.

Don Singleton said...

Sorry to hear you fell back, but glad I recovered.