Friday, September 16, 2005

I thought I was in an alternate universe

For a while I thought maybe I had slipped into some sort of alternate universe. First my RSS feed showed This “savior” talk has got to stop coming from The Anchoress, and then I read that Danny Carlton, a.k.a. Jack Lewis had started a new blog Let’s Blame Bush!!

I could not have been any more surprised had I seen La Shawn Barber making racist statements.

But I am apparently still in my familiar universe. The Anchoress was just responding to some foolish headlines: Bill Clinton as World Savior and Bill Clinton, Savior of the World reporting on the Clinton Global Initiative, where Tony Blair pulled the plug on Kyoto, and Danny Carlton's new blog was inspired by the absurd and irrational blame game Liberals played during the Katrina disaster, so following the model of Rush Limbaugh, he chose to use absurdity to illustrate absurdity. The general theme is “Idiotic ways people try to blame things on George W. Bush or basically make fun of him”

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