Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Anti-God Strike Again

Mark Noonan blogged Hey, Democrats, do you want to know why we keep winning? Because in the great political game of the United States, we're always coming down loudly on the side of this little girl:

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) A public school prohibited a second grader from singing a religious song at a talent show, prompting a lawsuit Friday alleging violation of the girl's constitutional rights.
There is no establishment of religion if an 8 year old girl voluntarily sings a song at school with religious content in it. Now, mind you, I'm not saying that it was the Democratic Party which stopped this girl from singing...but in the fight to allow her to sing, it will be the Democratic Party which will either be absent, or actually coming down on the side of the idiot school administrators who decided that if this girl sings, theocracy is imminent.

The American people are by and large Christian people. Here's the news flash for you: they aren't offended by overt displays of religious belief. Heck, even most atheists I know aren't offended by religious displays. After all, if you really don't believe in God, then the invocation of God is the invocation of nothing...only leftwing, securlarist dimwits are offended...and such are closely identified with the Democratic Party. You might want to think about that.

I agree with Mark. I am getting very tired of schools allowing displays of Jewish, Muslim, and Kwanza celebrations, and then insisting that we can't call the holiday in late December Christmas, and people insisting that we must treat the Koran with reverence, while our Bible is burned and people carry it dealt with seriously in Saudia Arabia.

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