Thursday, May 26, 2005


Scobleizer blogged Calling all BBS'ers

OK, all you people who were nerds back in the 1980s, this site is for you -- BBS: The Documentary.

Yeah, I was one. I remember my friends who ran bulletin board systems out of their garages. I remember dreaming of the day when I would finally be able to afford a Hayes 9600baud modem like those that my friend had running in his garage. That's so slow in comparison to the Wifi network I'm typing to you on right now it isn't even funny.

I can identify with what he is saying. I think when I started my BBS it was on a 2400 baud modem, but when I finally took it down the modem had been upgraded to 14.4kb.

When the internet came around there were some people using 300 baud dial up modems, but ISPs finally started requiring at least 2400 baud because they would not tie up their lines as much. Now I have a cable modem which is supposed to go to 4 mbps, although I usually don't get more than 2 mbps.


David said...

Yeh... "back in the day" eh?

I recall the heady days of the
/explosion/ of internet traffice when we were able to do text searches using such tools as ARCHIE--Wow! That was sooooo cool!


Still miss BBSes like the intl. Percussive Arts Society open board which is now a subscription-only internet chat board. *sigh*

But I do NOT miss any of the modems I have used. (And yeh, I do still have a backup modem connection--using an easily detchable USB modem--for emergencies only. In fact, I think I still have five functional 56K modems and bins of lesser modems just sitting around... )

The good old days... I'll take today.

Don Singleton said...

I agree. We have come a long way since the good old days, and I prefer today.