Thursday, September 08, 2005

Schwarzenegger to Veto Gay Marriage Bill

AP reported Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he would veto a bill to legalize same-sex marriage "out of respect for the will of the people," drawing heated criticism from gay rights supporters and cheers from conservative groups.

Good for him. The people passed an initiative just a few years ago against Same Sex marriages.
The bill, narrowly passed by lawmakers in the past week, would make California the first state to legalize same-sex marriage through its legislature. In Massachusetts, recognition of gay marriages came through a court ruling.
And separately I understand the people will have a chance in 2008 to overturn that court ruling. Why they have to wait that long, I dont know.
But Schwarzenegger said Wednesday the legislation would conflict with the intent of voters when they approved an initiative five years ago that prevents California from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states or countries. "We cannot have a system where the people vote and the Legislature derails that vote," the governor's press secretary, Margita Thompson, said in a statement.

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