Sunday, August 14, 2005

Muslim leaders in feud with the BBC

Guardian Observer reports Britain's most powerful Islamic organisation was accused last night of failing mainstream Muslim Britain after it complained of a 'pro-Israel agenda' at the BBC in a Panorama programme on the faith to be aired next week.

In an extraordinary letter obtained by The Observer, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has told director general Mark Thompson that the Panorama investigation of organisations representing Muslims in Britain, will 'inflame mistrust'.

The letter will be used by critics of the MCB as evidence that it is out of touch amid growing concern that it does not represent moderate Muslims.

A separate Observer investigation into the group has revealed its roots in the extremist politics of Pakistan. Its secretary general, Sir Iqbal Sacranie, and media spokesman Inayat Bunglawala have both expressed admiration for the late Maulana Maududi, founder of the radical Jamaat-i-Islami party, which campaigns non-violently for an Islamic state in Pakistan.

I am not sure which I would say is further left: the BBC or the Guardian, but both are so far left and so pro-Palestinian that to have an extreme Muslim group complain either was pro Israeli has me rolling on the floor, laughing. It is almost like reading in the Washington Post that the Democratic Party has accused the New York Times of being Pro-Republican

Jan Haugland blogged A regular reader sent me a link to this interesting article in the Observer, indicating, to put it mildly, that the MCB and Tony Blair's favourite moderate Muslim, Sir Iqbal Sacranie, has lost it. Then, with classical British understatement:

The BBC has not been known for its pro-Israeli stance.
No kidding.

Marc @USSNeverdock blogged If it wasn't such a serious matter I'd be rolling on the floor laughing. As soon as anyone starts to criticize Muslims, Iqbal Sacranie, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain is up in arms crying foul and blames the Israelis. This time Sacranie has gone around the bend and accuses The BBC of being pro-Israeli! The BBC's support of the Palestinians is well documented.

Scott @PowerLine blogged It would be funny, if only...

Brownie @HarrysPlace blogged No, you couldn’t make it up.

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