Thursday, July 28, 2005

Adding Items to My Shopping Basket

Dan Gillmor blogged Suppose you were shopping at the supermarket and the checkout clerk pulled an item from under the counter, scanned it and put it in the bag -- and only then mentioned that you could, of course, remove it from your purchase. Most people would frown on such a move. So why do software and other companies think they can get away with doing this when you're shopping online? And why do they think that brazenly calling it a "convenience" makes it any more acceptable? The item pictured here offers me a backup CD of the software I'm about to purchase, along with the quick-start guide. Well, I downloaded the software and can easily make my own CD for way less than a dollar. And the quick-start guide -- all six pages of it -- were part of the download. I like Macromedia and its software. I don't much like this approach to doing business.

I must agree with Dan, I am shocked to see this. I have never had it done to me, and if it ever was, I would not shop at that site again.

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