Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Gallup Poll on Pope

Gallop poll shows U.S. Catholics' Reactions to Pope Benedict XVI More Positive Than Negative

U.S. Catholics' initial reactions to Pope Benedict XVI are more positive than negative, though substantial proportions have yet to form opinions of the new pontiff. Most American Catholics say they are not bothered by the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's age, his service in the German army during World War II, or his opposition to allowing priests to marry. A majority, however, is bothered by his opposition to the use of birth control by Catholics. Most American Catholics say the choice of the church's leader has little or no effect on their commitment to the church. Consistent with that, Catholics say they are more likely to rely on their own consciences to decide on difficult moral issues than to follow the pope's teachings.

I am not Catholic, so I may not know what I am talking about, but I continue to be amazed at the number of points of Church teaching that American Catholics seem to think they can just ignore.

I would not be surprised to hear them asking for a change in the way to achieve salvation, and rather than being expected to accept Christ as their Saviour, asking that Salvation become an entitlement, and asking that Christ accept them, and their lifestyle

Ace blogged Sounds goofy to me, but they're asking the right track/wrong track question about the likely direction to which Benedict XVI will lead the Church. Right direction-- 39% Wrong direction--17%. And how about this for honesty and common sense? Don't know enough to say-- 47% The guy's been in office for 24 hours, for crying out loud.

Ntodd blogged I guess American Catholics disagree with God on his selection. Must be that streak of Yankee independence and self-reliance we hear so much about.

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