Saturday, January 14, 2006

ACLU does not like 10 Commandments

Stop The ACLU blogged ACLU fights Commandments in Tennessee

In the wake of major decisions on public display of the Ten Commandments, the American Civil Liberties Union is asking a federal court to order removal of a Tennessee courthouse exhibit.
What else is in the exhibit? The Supreme Court has ruled that if it is just one item of several in an exhibit it is ok.
"The posting of the Ten Commandments sends the message that only certain believers can receive justice at the courthouse,"
89 to 90% of Americans are Christians, and the 10 Commandmends is in the Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament), so Jews should recognize it. And if anyone with another belief asks, I am sure the judge will say they will receive the same justice as everyone else.
said Hedy Weinberg, executive director of ACLU of Tennessee.
I believe the tide is turning on the ACLU in the area of ten commandment cases. The "seperation of Church and State" argument has grown tiresome, and hopefully more judges will start ruling on what the Consitution really says, and not what revisionist have twisted it to say.
Let us hope so
Mathew D. Staver, president and general counsel of Liberty Counsel believes that with Judge Samuel Alito’s expected confirmation to the Supreme Court, “the ACLU can no longer count on the High Court to further their agenda.”

I hope he is right. I’m tired of the ACLU trying to secularize our history.


Anonymous said...

It would be nice to hear the ACLU refer to somethinge else besides the "separation of church and state" and "someone might feel excluded".

Don Singleton said...

I agree. After all, neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution says you have a right not to feel excluded. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, yes, but not the achieval of Happiness or never feeling excluded.