Friday, August 08, 2008

Bill Clinton to Speak at Denver Convention

The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog reported After a curious week of back-and-forth between the Obama and Clinton worlds, the former president was offered an invitation to speak on the second-to-last night of the party’s convention in Denver.
But will Obama allow Hillary's name to be placed in nomination? Will he take a chance that enough of the super delegates have not been unimpressed at his sharp drop in popularity that thye won't switch back to her?
He will take the stage on Aug. 27, three Democratic senior officials said, before the address by the party’s vice-presidential nominee.
And will that be his wife?
The offer was extended by the Obama campaign on Thursday to Mr. Clinton, who accepted it. So with Mrs. Clinton speaking on Aug. 26, followed by her husband, the Obama campaign is giving two nights of prime time coverage to the Clinton family.
And if Hillary's name is placed in nomination Wednesday, she may well be speaking on Thursday as well.
While the invitation was only extended on Thursday, officials said a speaking role for Mr. Clinton had long been in the works.


Anonymous said...

The upcoming events should be very interesting!

Anonymous said...

This is Shakespearean. Imagine (not all that improbable0 if Bill Clinton alludes to how Obama is not so experienced or how Hillary is better qualified.

In the least, Bill is gonna be just talking about him during the 1990s and not anything about Obama.