Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lancet study

Bryan blogged The Lancet study would have us believe that 2.5% of Iraq has been killed by the war in the past three years. It would have us believe that more Iraqis have died as a result of a mid-sized insurgency than Americans died in World War II. Or the Civil War. Or Germans, who died in World War II, fighting against the combined might of the USSR, the British Empire and the United States, at a time when Germany was reduced to conscripting young boys and old men to resist those armies as they approached Berlin. This study, in other words, is nonsense on stilts. And further, where are the bodies?

The bodies are the same place they got these numbers, in their imagination.
Iraq the Model blogged When the statistics announced by hospitals and military here, or even by the UN, did not satisfy their lust for more deaths, they resorted to mathematics to get a fake number that satisfies their sadistic urges.

When I read the report I can only feel apathy and inhumanity from those who did the count towards the victims and towards our suffering as a whole. I can tell they were so pleased when the equations their twisted minds designed led to those numbers and nothing can convince me that they did their so called research out of compassion or care.

To me their motives are clear, all they want is to prove that our struggle for freedom was the wrong thing to do. And they shamelessly use lies to do this…when they did not find the death they wanted to see on the ground, they faked it on paper! They disgust me…
They also seek to affect the US Election coming next month. They did something similar in 2004.
This fake research is an insult to every man, woman and child who lost their lives. Behind every drop of blood is a noble story of sacrifice for a just cause that is struggling for living safe in freedom and prosperity.

Locomotive Breath blogged The Lancet report is not based on an actual body count but on a random sampling of 1,800 Iraqi households in 47 areas across the country.


Anonymous said...

You dare raise the ghost of World War 2 and the Nazis, and then unconditionally accept your government's propaganda a few paragraphs later? Goering and the rest of the Third Reich would be proud of you, citizen.

Don Singleton said...

Not as proud as they would be of you, if you believe the Lancet Study

Rosemary Welch said...

Get 'em, Don. lol.

Maybe if America's students were assigned to read Omar's and Muhammed's blog each day, they would not be able to brainwash them so easily. I can dream, can't I?

Don Singleton said...

Maybe if America's students were assigned to read Omar's and Muhammed's blog each day, they would not be able to brainwash them so easily. I can dream, can't I?

Have they started teaching America's students how to read? I thought they were just being brainwashed into accepting the Liberal Agenda