Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Kuwaiti women vote for first time

BBC reported Polling is taking place in a Kuwaiti council by-election in which women are allowed to vote for the first time.

It's about time
Two women are also among eight candidates running for the seat in the Salmiya district, south of the capital.
You go, girl.
The 28,000 eligible voters, 60% of whom are women, are voting in segregated polling booths, a condition demanded by Islamist and tribal MPs.
Does it frighten the men to see women voting, or are they worried that someone might do something naughty with them in a public polling place?

1 comment:

Don Singleton said...

That presumes that the only object is to eliminate the votes of females. Most vote fraud is done to get someone elected, so they would not care whether they were changing male ballots or female ballots