Thursday, November 24, 2005

Companies Ban 'Christmas

American Family Association reports that Several retailers have joined in the push to ban the use of "Christmas" in their in-store promotions and retail advertising. The new push to eliminate "Christmas" and replace it with "Happy Holidays," "Season's Greetings," etc. is gaining ground with several retailers participating.

Not wanting to offend a handful of complainers, these companies are willing to offend the vast majority who hold Christmas as a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. Their attitude is that those who identify themselves as Christians don't care if they eliminate "Christmas."

They are very wrong, and I do not want to do business with a company that feels that way. If they want to post Hanukkah signs on December 26-Jan 2, or Ramadan signs Oct. 5-Nov. 4 that is perfectly ok with me, but December 25 is the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Christ, and I would like to see nativity scenes in addition to Santa and the reindeer, and next year on April 16 I would like to see more than bunnies and eggs, I would like to see some indication that they know the true meaning of Easter.

Also today is Thanksgiving. It is a day we should be giving Thanks to God for all that He has given us. We are not giving thanks to the turkey, or to the one who provided the money that was used to buy the turkey, or the one who cooked the turkey, but to The One that created the turkey (although thanks to the latter two is appropriate as well)
While it is too late to make changes this year, we have already sent letters to several major retailers we have identified as participating in banning "Christmas," asking them to put Christmas back into their in-store promotions and retail advertising next year. We have sent letters to the chairmen of Target, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Kmart/Sears, Costco, Kohl's and Lowe's about their practice. (Lowe's even refuses to promote their trees as Christmas trees, but calls them "Holiday Trees." Their toll-free number is 1-800-445-6937.)

Please sign our petition letting these companies know that banning "Christmas" in their promotions and advertising next year will result in a loss of business. As we identify other companies participating in this practice, we will contact them.

We need your support to be effective. That is why we need your petition. Please help us get the word out by forwarding this to your friends and family. Many of them will want to participate. We will keep you informed on which companies make changes and which ones refuse.

Click this link to sign the petition now!


Jack Steiner said...

Here is my response to this.

click here

Don Singleton said...

We disagree.

It is unclear what your religion is. You wrote G_d in your post, so I presume you may be Jewish. As I indicated I have no problem if the stores want to post Hannukah signs during that holiday, and appropriate signs on other (and more important) Jewish holidays throughout the year, but I would like for them to acknowledge that December 25 is Christmas. Not Xmas. Not Winter Holiday. And while I dont object to images of Santa Claus and his reindeer, I would like to see a few nativity scenes.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Don,

I am Jewish. I don't have time for a long response right now, but wanted to let you know that I saw your comment.

I have blogged about this a number of times.

Some of those include


Don Singleton said...

As I said on your blog:

Abraham Lincoln is said to have asked, how many legs does a horse have, if you call its tail a leg. When the person he was talking to said 5, he said "No, calling a tail a leg does not make it one"

Haynes may say "there is no war on Christmas" although he does qualify it with "I certainly wouldn't put it that way,"

It is true that there is no shooting, and no one died, but there is certainly a lot fewer posters in stores saying Merry Christmas, and a lot more taking the multicultural approach of "Happy Holidays" and a lot of schools are now celebrating the "Winter Holiday" when in past years it was the "Christmas Holiday"

He may say "there's more religion now in public schools than ever in modern history" but that absolutely is not true. When I went to school we actually had a prayer at the start of the day, and we had days off for Christmas Vacation, etc.

Jack Steiner said...

Abraham Lincoln is said to have asked, how many legs does a horse have, if you call its tail a leg. When the person he was talking to said 5, he said "No, calling a tail a leg does not make it one"

It is nice quote but not relevant to this discussion.

There is no war and there is no damage being done by saying Happy Holidays. If anything this is proof of the greater tolerance for diversity and plurality that this country desperately needs.

Don Singleton said...

there is no damage being done by saying Happy Holidays.

Yes there is. December 25 is Christmas Day, and that is the reason for the holiday. Some other religions have special days in the general period as Christmas, and people say Happy Hoidays because they dont want to hurt their feelings, but they are hurting my feelings by not acknowledging that the the vast majority of us it is Christmas

If anything this is proof of the greater tolerance for diversity and plurality that this country desperately needs.

Untrue. If you want to show diversity then also have signs that say Happy Hannukah (or any other saying you want), but have them also say Merry Christmas. Saying Happy Holiday just secularizes the day, which is already too comercialised, and it removes the religious significance for Christians as well as Jews and any other faith that celebrate a special day in that period.