Sunday, August 14, 2005

Urban warfare website

Times Online reports A prominent London-based Saudi dissident, Muhammed al-Massari, is running a website that features a guide to urban warfare for potential terrorists.

They dont like to use the term terrorist, so they replace it with bombers, now they call this an urban warefare site for potential terrorists. Why dont they just say Islamofascist terrorists and be done with it?
In a series of video and audio clips, the Beginner’s Guide for Mujahed gives detailed advice on physical training, the surveillance of enemy targets and operational tactics. It features footage of an Arab instructor who recommends would-be holy warriors to invest in a knife for self-defence, saying: “Of course, this knife is mainly for stabbing and is not suitable or good for beheadings.”
Do they have a suggest source where they might order one suitable for that use?
Referring to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Al-Qaeda’s leader in Iraq whose followers murdered the British hostage Ken Bigley by slitting his throat, the instructor adds: “As far as beheadings are concerned, we ask our brothers to seek Abu Musab’s advice on this issue as he has more experience in this.” Another section focuses on the use of binoculars and night vision equipment for the surveillance of “human enemy or enemy targets or vehicles”. The instructor implores Allah to “grant his mujaheddin victory over . . . the Jews, the Americans and the apostates”.
An "apostate" is "one who has abandoned one's religious faith" so I guess this means any Muslim that does not support them.
An audio segment of the course posted on the website’s discussion forum advises that urban warfare is best conducted by several terrorist cells that may share a leader but should remain unknown to each other in case members are captured. One cell should stake out a target, another should acquire military equipment or explosives, and a third should actually mount the attack.

Harry @HarrysPlace blogged The BBC has previously reported that al-Massari: helped Osama Bin Laden open a UK office in the mid-Nineties and now claims it is legitimate for Muslims to assassinate the Prime Minister. Do I need to tell you who ran the 'Massari Must Stay Campaign' against an attempt to deport him in the 1990's? Well, let's hear it from : I can confirm that the "Massari Must Stay" campaign - the campaign against my deportation - was run by Lord Avebury and Mr Galloway from Mr Galloway's office at 7 Millbank.

Marc @USSNeverdock blogged Oddly, The Sunday Times (UK) calls it an "urban warfare website", despite the fact that it is clearly aimed at Muslim terrorists. I don't know the background of the reporters, DIPESH GADHER AND HALA JABER, but that might have something to do with it. So, shut it down and deport him.
Asked if he feared being targeted by the government, Massari said: “If the law is changed and we cannot do our work, then we can either challenge them . . . or we pack our luggage and proceed to the airport.”
Start packing.

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