Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Blogging Survey

Danny Carlton (aka Jack Lewis) blogged Click here for a new survey designed to compare the blogging habits of bloggers based on the ecosystem ranking as well as traffic. The survey isn't long, and once there are a significant amount of responses I'll post a link to the results. Even then, the survey will continue so that as more bloggers participate, the results can be more accurate.

Please encourage other bloggers to participate. It'll be harder to get some of the more popular blogs to take note of the survey, but their participation is needed to compare the habits of a wide range of bloggers. This will benefit everyone, as we can then study what traits are common to bloggers who are successful as opposed to those who want to be more successful.

Also, if you want to display the survey graphic on your blog, with a link back to the survey, let me know and I'll list your blog on the survey page as well as the results page.

I urge all bloggers to fill out the survey

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