Sunday, March 08, 2009

Less Than 100 Months To Save The World

Sky News reported The Prince of Wales is preparing to tell the world we have "less than 100 months to act" before the damage caused by global warming becomes irreversible.
Even though the earth has been steady or cooling the past ten years? Anyway Chuck, I hope you are not counting on the US to help, because by the time 100 months have passed, if we keep spending as much as Obama has spent in the past month, there will be nothing left to fight Global Warming or Global Cooling, or anything else.
Charles will issue the warming in a speech to business leaders in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's just wrong, why would you want to announce something like that. It's just pointlessly scaring people and giving everyone those stupid ideas to spend more and more money on saving our planet and taxing everyone more and more, soon we'll be taxed for breathing because we exhale too much CO2. That's just ridiculous.

Take care, Elli