Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Andrew Sullivan is sad

Andrew Sullivan blogged Jeremiah Wright is now the moral equivalent of David Duke?

In some ways he is worse, because Jeremiah Wright spewed his hatred in front of a large Church for many years, rather than just in front of some other white supremacists.
The latest Clintonite ratchets up the Wright issue still further. However dim a view you take of some of Wright's rhetorical excesses, and I'm not defending them,
That is nice you say that, but then you go on to offset it with "good works" his church did.
to compare a man whose church has such a long history of social work, black self-help, outreach to people with HIV, and inclusion of gay people
Now we see why gay Andrew Sullivan is willing to ignore Wright's rhetoric.
to a rank neo-Nazi is another step too far.
Wight is a black racist, Duke is a white racist. I despise both.
Comparing the first potential black president's
I thought Bill Clinton was said to be the first Black President.
pastor to a man who represents some of the worst racism in America
Why is racisism any worse coming out of the mouth of a white man than a black man. Both are bad.
is also bound to impact African-Americans. If the Clintons keep this up, they will not only destroy Obama's chances in the fall, they may also make it very hard for black Democrats to vote for a Clinton again.
Or maybe even a Deocrat again. Why are they in the Democratic Party's back pocket. It was Republican Lincoln that freed the slaves, and it was southern Democrats that oppressed the blacks for so long, and kept them from adcancing with welfare programs, and other things, as Lt. Colonel Frances Rice lists.
Josh comments here. I think Clinton has decided to use race in the way that Republicans have for the past couple of decades,
Urging them to work as hard as they want, and climb as igh as they want, without holding them down???
to play on white resentment of what are regarded as double-standards on race and to fuse the integrative, dignified campaign of Obama in the minds of some white ethnic Americans with demagoguic soundbites from Wright.

The goal is to win a huge margin in Pennsylvania and to use that as an appeal to the super-delegates that Obama cannot be elected in key swing states with white working class voters. If that won't work, Clinton will have done all she can to ensure Obama's defeat by McCain in the fall, which she will then use as vindication for another run in 2012.
Both are hurting each other. 22% of Democrats Want Clinton to Drop Out; 22% Say Obama Should Withdraw and If it is McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain, If McCain vs. Clinton, 19% of Obama backers go for McCain
It's called destroying the party
Go Hillary
(and wounding the country racially) in order to save the Clintons. It doesn't surprise me, but I can't help but feel it is going to enrage many Democrats, especially those who felt that this time, a candidate they loved had a chance to bring the country together.
There is one. It is the Centrist McCain, not either Hillary or Obama, both fighting for the far left.
Not if the Clintons can help it.

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