Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Britain must choose US or Europe

Daily Mail reported Segolene Royal will try to force Britain to choose between being America's closest ally or being at the heart of Europe if she becomes French president, says a close aide.

Europe is going to be overtaken by the Muslims in a generation. Britain certainly has major problems, but if they choose Europe they are doomed too.
Her foreign affairs adviser Gilles Savery, a French MEP, unveiled proposals for a new EU treaty, to replace the failed EU constitution rejected by French and Dutch voters.
But it was approved by others. So she wants to replace one treaty with another, that maybe her people will approve. She certainly sounds like she is dealing from a position of strength.
He stressed that if Britain refuses to back the new drive towards a more powerful EU, France, Germany Spain and Italy could join forces to create a "quartet" to lead Europe.
And if they do join, will it be a quintet? And will the smaller countries just go along?
He said: "Great Britain is absolutely indispensable to the European Union. It is a great nation, a global power. " But the question the English have to answer is - do the English consider the English Channel to be wider than the Atlantic? "We on the Continent have the right to deplore the fact that Great Britain appears to consider the Channel wider."
Britain certainly fought more wars across the Channel than across the Atlantic, and the US has bailed Britain out more times than Europe has.

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