Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Greatest Figures In American History

Right Wing News asked more than 225 right of center bloggers for a list of their picks for the Greatest 25 Figures in American History. 41 blogs responded, including mine, and here are the results. My picks are in bold.

  1. Ronald Reagan (39)
  2. Abraham Lincoln (37)
  3. George Washington (35)
  4. Ben Franklin (32)
  5. Martin Luther King Jr. (30)
  6. Thomas Jefferson (29)
  7. James Madison (22)
  8. Thomas Edison (21)
  9. John Adams (17)
  10. Henry Ford (16)
  11. Alexander Hamilton (15)
  12. Franklin D. Roosevelt (14)
  13. Teddy Roosevelt (14)
  14. Ulysses S. Grant (14)
  15. Albert Einstein (13)
  16. George Patton (13)
  17. Dwight D. Eisenhower (12)
  18. Bill Gates (10)
  19. Harry Truman (10)
  20. Mark Twain (10)
  21. Wright Brothers (10)
  22. George W. Bush (9)
  23. Frederick Douglass (8)
  24. Thomas Paine (8)
  25. Alexander Graham Bell (7)

Honorable Mentions: John F. Kennedy (4), Lewis And Clark (4), William Tecumseh Sherman (5), Jonas Salk (5), John Marshall (5), Milton Friedman (5), George Washington Carver (5), Susan B. Anthony (5), Audie Murphy (6), Douglas MacArthur (6). Patrick Henry (6), Andrew Carnegie (6)

People I included, that did not make the list, are Condi Rice, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Bob Hope, Laura Bush, Sam Walton, and Mel Gibson (for the Passion of the Christ, certainly not for his latest escapades).


Anonymous said...

Great picks. Where was Oprah (just kidding)?

Don Singleton said...

Actually I have seen lists done by some magazines in which she made the list. I thought she might have been on the left wing list but she wasn't.