Sunday, March 27, 2005

Google and Captain's Quarters

I frequently refer to Captain's Quarters blog, in fact I refer to them so often I just say CQ. Imagine my surprise when I read this on his blog: Have I Angered The Google Powers That Be?

While Charles at Little Green Footballs and Michelle Malkin point out that Google refuses to acknowledge their sites as "news" despite Google's linking to other, less savory sources as news, it appears that Google has stopped recognizing Captain's Quarters' existence on the Internet altogether.

Bill Hennessy blogs The leftists at Google aren’t waiting for the FEC to ban conservative blogs. No way. Google is going all out to prevent anyone from reading blogs it disagrees with while pandering to terrorist organizations.

Bloggers should Contact Google and urge that CQ, LGF, MM, and other popular conservative blogs should be included as News Sources and definitely should appear in searches.

Update 3/28 4:00 p.m. It appears from SayAnything and PowerPundit that the problem was a dishonest advertiser involved in something called link farming which Google does not like.

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