POLITICO.com reported Tim Kaine, the Virginia governor and President Barack Obama's hand-picked choice as the head of the Democratic National Committee, infuriated abortion-rights groups Monday by signing legislation that gives abortion foes a long-sought victory.

The revenue from the specialty plates would go to crisis-pregnancy centers, which many abortion-rights backers believe proslyetize against abortion and encourage women to keep unwanted children.
The “Choose Life” plate was among a number of designs approved by Kaine, including one honoring the Washington Capitals professional hockey team. To request a plate, a group must get at least 350 people to prepay a $25 fee.
Why are they infuriated? They are Pro Choice aren't they? The plate says "Choose Life". Or is it that they want to tell you what choice to make?Kaine brushed off intense lobbying by abortion rights supporters in Richmond to sign a bill that allows Virginia motorists to advertise their anti-abortion views by sporting "Choose Life" specialty license plates.
The revenue from the specialty plates would go to crisis-pregnancy centers, which many abortion-rights backers believe proslyetize against abortion and encourage women to keep unwanted children.
And they don't want to have to spend all the money they make providing abortions to counteract the support that $35 per license plate can provide.... “It is surprising that Governor Kaine would do this, but it’s all the more surprising that he would do it as chair of the DNC,” said Paulette McElwain, the president of the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood.
Why? They satisfied the legal requirements didn't they. Does Paulette suggest the Governor should violate the law, and especially as chair of the DNC?McElwain exchanged numerous calls with the governor’s office over the license plates and organized a grass roots effort that logged more than 2,000 calls to the governor’s staff. “We provided him with abundant information,” she said. “We’re terribly disappointed that he decided to sign it.”
What information did they provide him? It sounds like they got got 2,000 people to whine they don't like Pro Life.In Washington, NARAL/Pro-Choice America channeled more than 17,000 emails and 200 calls to the DNC urging Kaine to veto the bill. “It is unfortunate that, even after receiving thousands of messages from Virginians and pro-choice activists across the country, Gov. Kaine has opted to sign a bill that advances a divisive political ideology
"Life" and a little boy or girl is a divisive political ideology?at the expense of women’s health,”
The plate does not say "support back room abortions" it says "Choose Life"NARAL/Pro-Choice America president Nancy Keenan said in a statement.
The “Choose Life” plate was among a number of designs approved by Kaine, including one honoring the Washington Capitals professional hockey team. To request a plate, a group must get at least 350 people to prepay a $25 fee.
And if they can get 200 people to call, or 17,000 to email, surely they can get 350 to pay $25 for a plate that says "Kill Your Baby"Kaine defended the move by pointing out that Virginia has a “long-standing program” allowing customized license plates and said that if Planned Parenthood applied for a plate he would grant it.
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