Sunday, April 01, 2007

Enforce Sharia law within seven days or we will do it ourselves

Asia News reported a Pakistanian Imam said "if within a week Sharia law is not enforced throughout the country than true Muslims “will islamify society on their own”. Maulana Abdul Aziz, Imam of the Lal Masjid Mosque and director of Jamia Hafsa Madrassah has said. Speaking after Friday prayers to thousands of faithful, Aziz clarified: “If the government ignores our requests than we will have to enforce them ourselves”. The man then asked for the closure of “all brothels and gaming houses as soon as possible”, also adding in this case that “that aim may only be achieved thanks to the help of the Madrassah students”.

And they don't just want brothels closed. They are preparing a “list of impure places” to be forcibly shut down, and basically they want Sharia Law to superceed Pakistani Law. They want to turn modern Pakistan into something like Afganistan under the Taliban.

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