Sunday, October 23, 2005

Freedom to pray

KESQ News reported More than 50 members of Congress are asking President Bush to issue an executive order permitting military chaplains to pray however God leads them. Congressman Walter Jones says he wrote and circulated the appeal after hearing from military chaplains who say they're being banned from praying in Jesus' name.

Chaplins should be familiar with the specific practices of all faiths, but it is not right to require them to come up with a prayer that will not hurt the sensibilities of any faith. If they are Christians speaking to a large audience they should be free to reveal their Christian beliefs. If they are talking to a single person of another faith, they should be respectful of the beliefs of that faith.

This is a Christian country. We are tolerant of all faiths, but we should not be expected to ignore the faith of the majority in this country, to avoid offending someone.
The North Carolina Republican says one chaplain wrote that "religious persecution is taking place in the Army on a daily basis." Jones says he's heard similar complaints from the Navy, Air Force and Marines. Congressman Jones says he hopes Americans will call the White House and urge President Bush to uphold what he considers chaplains' free speech and religious rights. Many chaplains chose to pray non-sectarian prayers to accommodate persons of all faiths.

Hat Tip Stacy Harp

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